I've had dreams before when I was younger and nothing too dramatic. As I got older though I've been having dreams that seem WAY too real, one that shows a life of a man who ruined his life through his own selfish mistakes (Past life). Dreams of myself going through the same situations that I have had in my current life but that have happen in different ways (same friends, different school). Even ones that were I am the same age and things are completely out of order and my life is just ruined by something fictional (zombie virus in the world) (alternate dimension). I know this sounds really weird, but when I have these dreams they feel completely different than normal dreams. For example I remember everything about the dream right down to every specific detail without even trying. Also everything while having those dreams seem far too real, much more than normal dreams that are meaningless. So my question is can dreams be a gateway to seeing another version of yourself? Past life or alternate dimension? I know this sounds really geeky but this is something that has been happening since I was about 16 (i'm 19 now) and I just wonder if these dreams mean anything significant, or maybe I just think too much I don't know. I just wish someone who knows a lot about dreams would clear this up for me cause it seems really realistic to the extent that it scares me sometimes.