I mean are we wrong about over training? I have been reading these articles on prisoners doing obviously the prison workout and some are training as much as 4 times a day almost everyday like the ones doing 4 times a day are training itleast 5 days a week. Now I have known some people in prison and know people who know people in prison. These guys are going in pretty average 2-3 years later they come out huge or quite big and you ask them what they did and they say bodyweight exercises nearly everyday. You see these guys after 2-3 years like I said and they are quite large. I mean you see expert bodybuilders and so on that have been training for 10 years and they are not anywhere near as big as these guys I know bodybuilders and ex-prisoners. Also the theory that they must have steroids is a only a theory these guys aren't on steroids. Also the other theory is that the only reason they get bigger quicker or big in general is because of rest in there. Well through all my research and talking with these guys they said they sleep just as much as they do on the outside. So that theory is busted as well. Also a lot say that they used to be convinced weights was the ultimate over bodyweight and all my friends and articles I have read say that they completely changed their mind once they tried bodyweight whats your thoughts.