How were education and learning preserved in Europe during the early Middle Ages?
(Points : 1)
The Christian church preserved libraries and taught monks and others to read and write.

Merchants started private schools and sent their children there to be educated.

Feudal lords required their family members to attend universities.

Military institutions required soldiers to attain a certain level of education.

4. What was a key goal of cathedral architecture in the late Middle Ages?
(Points : 1)
to glorify the leaders of the Christian church

to emphasize the power of the king

to document the history of the community

to help people feel closer to God

5. What did William I do to increase his power in England?
(Points : 1)
He ordered a survey that enabled him to tax and govern his country effectively.

He appointed a new archbishop who gave William authority over the church.

He married Eleanor of Aquitaine and their combined property became the largest estate in England.

He revised the English court system to give himself the power to create laws.

6. How did Henry II improve the English legal system?
(Points : 1)
He appointed judges who had been trained in universities.

He made sure legal rulings were written down so future judges had guidelines.

He convened a group called the Great Council to advise English attorneys.

He reorganized the executive branch of the government.

7. How did the Magna Carta change the balance of power in medieval England? (Points : 1)
It gave the king authority over the English nobles.
It limited the power of the English king.
It undermined the power of the English nobles.
It gave the English nobles more authority than the king.

8. How did the distribution of power in medieval England differ from that of medieval France? (Points : 1)
In France, power remained scattered among many rulers.
France did not develop an institution that could limit the power of the king.
The archbishop in France headed the government.
In England, most of the power was in the hands of the clergy.

9. How did people probably fall victim to the Black Death? (Points : 1)
from eating poorly cooked meat that contained bacteria
from drinking water that contained a flulike virus
from importing pigs that were infected by a virus
from being exposed to a bacteria carried in fleas on rats

10. How did the Black Death affect the population of Europe?
(Points : 1)
It killed approximately ten percent of the population.

It killed one-quarter of the population.

It killed more than one-third of the population.

It killed more than two-thirds of the population.

11. What accusations did reformers in the late 1300s make against the church?
(Points : 1)
They claimed that church officials showed favoritism toward the English king.

They accused the church and the clergy of corruption and materialism.

They claimed that the church was plotting to gain control over the government.

They accused the clergy of introducing pagan practices into church rituals.

12. What two nations were the key participants in the Hundred Years' War? (Points : 1)
England and France
France and Spain
Burgundia and England

Burgundia and Spain

13. Which statement best describes a factor that helped bring change to Europe in the fourteenth century?
(Points : 1)
A series of crises helped strengthen the manor system in Europe.

The Black Death brought about key advancements in medicine.

The Hundred Years' War helped break down feudal bonds and inspire nationalism.

The Great Schism turned many Christians toward Islam and Judaism.