...more religious, Christian? What has happened to this country?

Do you remember those days when people weren't ashamed to say they were Christian? Those days when families went to church every Sunday ... not Wal-Mart. When children would proudly cite the pledge of allegiance every day. Those days when every part of town was decorated for Christmas. Those days when Christomas carrolers would come to your door.

Back when men courted women, and women weren't ashamed to be stay at home moms. When the family would come to visit you at your house at Christmas, coming up to the door, a beautiful star spangled banner proudly displayed on the house, Frank Sinatra on the radio inside. Those days when you could get on the highway and not hit a pothole every 1/4 of a mile.

Even if you don't remember, or if you weren't around, ask your parents, grandparents, look at the movies, photos. For you to tell me that America is better off less religious, is to tell me that a sub-standard America is better.