So use periodic table to solve the puns.
Example: Five cents - Nickel, Ni

1. Extinct
2. Imitation diamond
3. Name of a goofy convict
4. Mr. Mony's enemy
5. What you do to flowers
6. What you did to ripped jeans
7. A very smart person
8. A fur seller
9.Thanksgiving guests
10. Get clean with this
11. Proud to be an
12. Mickey's pal
13. Warrior Princess
14. A nice guy
15. How to tell a secret
16. Monday night TV show
17. A phrase from Dr. Seuss
18. Part of a whole
19. Place for washing dishes
20. Drink in an Al can
21. When you lasso a horse you
22. What a dog does with a bone
24. What a cloud does