Alright, Well...
Theres this movie that I used to watch when I was a LOT younger. I just remembered a few parts of it, but I can't remember the title and cannot find it online.

- I believe it was made sometime in the 90's
- I think it's based on a bunch of teenage (maybe young adults) boys, who are either good friends or brothers.
- Some time in the movie (I think it was around the beginning) the boys decide to pull a prank (Or maybe it was even serious) on one of them, so they tied the guy to a chair and dropped him in the pool; I dont think it was serious, nor' do I think he died. I think they took him out, or he got out.
- They decide to pull another "prank" on one of them by brushing one of their toothbrush's on the rim of the toilet.

I'm not 100% positive on any of those. But thats all I can remember. ): I really, reallllyyy wanna watch this movie; whether it was actually good or not. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone? I'm sorry that I cant remember more.