scientifically/ mechanically? This website has a section called "Doc Love" which I find notoriously repetitive and predictable. He always seems to take a situation described to him and state that it makes the relationship null and void, and gives advice to terminate the relationship, try again, and purchase his "The System" book.

That alone is dubious marketing in my opinion, but it's not what I really take issue with. See, this guy seems to treat love as a science or an equation. His book on dating is called "The System." A lot of his posts, both to him and from him, even reference a woman's "interest level" as a percentage!

I don't like it. Finding out tips on what girls/ladies like is one thing. Planning the whole thing out mathematically from the start is another thing entirely.

I'm finding it hard to state my real issue with him, so I think I'll use some quotes to exemplify it:

"When you don’t call a girl for a week -- and, thereby, demonstrate that you’re not weak or desperate and that you can control yourself -- you’re being a positive Challenge."

"You can call it dizzy obedience, or you can call it love, but I’m telling you this: You have to get the girl’s Interest Level into the 90s in order to keep her."

"But you’re not there to say what she wants to hear; you’re there to operate by the rules of “The System.""

"Her Interest Level in him is probably in the 50s, if that."

"Because you were letting your Interest Level dictate your moves."

"Saying “I love you” does not raise Interest Level. It achieves exactly the opposite."

"However, before you lost control of yourself, you played it perfectly by being a Challenge to Carmen. This is what you should do for the next 40 years when you’re married. Continue to let her chase you, even though she’s your wife."

What's your opinion? Do you take issue with such tactics (or with tactics being used in relationships at all)? Where does the line between "getting advice" and "using a system" and "playing a game" go?
@Brian You forgot to mention that he has fixed times for moving in/going on big holidays/all that kind of thing. That's another thing I take issue with.