"pro-choicers" post? - Long -? It's SO annoying!

- First off, it's a serious question, and they want a serious answer. Not those bullcrap rants, about how other people don't approve of abortion. It 's not their choice! Hence, the word, "Choice"

- Second, wouldn't you think that the people who seriously don't want/ need a baby, SHOULD get an abortion? I mean, come on! I thought you people cared about the things life? Wouldn't you rather see it gone, than be abused inside of the womb, by the person who doesn't want the baby just continuing to do things that are, "harmful" to the baby? Such as: Drinking Alcohol, Doing active things like sit-ups or what ever, going on rollercoaters( which is somehow dangerous for it? ) , not eating enough( espicially those with anorexia ) Godforbid if they gain one pound! And if you people just keep trying to ban abortion clinics, what are the people with unwanted pregnancys suppossed to do? Do it manually? Continually puch themselves in the stomach? Starve themselves? I really don't think you people would actually want to watch that happen to the thing inside of them that you all care so much about ridding of. Which, once again, it's NOT your choice!
And those stupid clinics that you can go to, to see if you're prego. They have no right to ask info about it first off. It's not their buisness whether you keep it, or not. And if you say no, you want it gone. They have no right to try to talk you out of it.

- Thirdly, it's annoying how so many idiots come up with, "give it up for adoption." Which, goes back to the whole pregnancy. If someone doesn't want it, they're not going to take care of it, espicially while they're still in the womb. They are going to try so hard to rid of it. And godforbid it comes down to having the darn thing, who would want a sickly baby? Or, who would truely spend them time/ money, to put into medical stuff. And what if, in the long run, it dies anyways? Well, there goes money spent on trying to help it. And what about when if gets older, and wants to find its mommy? What an inconvience to the mother. It'll be there to ask so many questions, and what not. Geez. And Also, quit qasting your money with those stupid billboards saying, "a babies heart starts beating 18 days after conception. No one really cares. It doesn't know whats going on. So it's really not a big deal. And the longer you let it sit inside of you, the more it might gain to know. Tho, either way, it still wouldn't think anything of it, and wouldn't know whats going on, or what it was supposed to become. Actually, it was supposed to be aborted. It's just fate.
It's nothing bad. But people make it such an ordeal! It's ridiculously absurd!

- Fourthly, what happend to a free country. Now we have other regular people, trying to stop other regular people, from doing stuff. What is that nonsense? Of anything, you pro-lifers, are causing so much more problems, than there needs to be. Just hush. And besides, you all are no better, then pro-choicers. You are all just trying to stop something from being done.

- - Honestly, I am probably not even going to read any answers. I am just posting this, to make a statement. I could honestly go on about this for hours. So I suppose I'll just stop it here. . . . For now (: .
So, yes yes. Go on and post, to get your silly lame 2 points. Again, I will not read any answers, as they anger me with how silly pro-lifers are.

Signed- A pro-choicer all the way.