I need to read and make a followup report on this research paper for my 9th grade.I get the jizt of it but i need someone to confirm it with. This part of the research paper is getting a little bit to hard to understand because of the terms being used, so if any one can please help me clarify what this is saying in simple terms ill be very grateful.

"The objective of the study was to evaluate the current levels of ?DDT (p,p?-DDT + p,p?-DDE) in the Adlie penguin. They hypothesized that as production and use of legacy POPs (persistent organic pollutants) wanes, metabolic loss will exceed bioaccumulation in Antarctic seabirds. Therefore, ?DDT levels in Adlie penguin tissues will have declined with time unless there are “new” or continuing inputs of DDT to the Antarctic marine ecosystem."
Ohh the paper is called "Melting Glaciers: A Probable Source of DDT to the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem"