Hello everyone,
While browsing a local shop a couple of days ago, I came across a Diana F+. The photos on the box and the retro appearance of the camera caught my attention, and a google search directed me to the lomography website. I really like the lo-fi pictures and unpredictability of the Diana (though I'm not a huge fan of the plastic body) and now I am interested in getting some sort of lo-fi camera of my own. Right now I am leaning towards the Diana Deluxe Kit because of all the extra features, but the Holga also seems to be a popular product and there were many other styles available as well. I was wondering which of these an experienced user would recommend for someone new to lo-fi photography, and really photography in general.
Jesus guys cool it with the hate. I'm not trying to "follow a fad"; I didn't even know these cameras existed until a couple of days ago. And anyways, I'd rather be a hipster than a jerk who goes around picking fights on the internet any day. If you want to get people interested in photography, I don't recommend attacking them.