...given to me? I have to generate an HTML page whose content is provided in a user-specified text file. A file is used as input (the file's contents are in the format of: # of columns, # of rows, 1st entry, 2nd entry, etc. but with no commas and each entry on its own line). I have to first make a table using the first two entries as the parameters and then fill the table using the entries given. Then I have to create an html page with the table created from the input file on it. The resulting webpage should have the beginning and ending html tags the head tags, the title tags, the body tags, and the html table within the body tags. The html file created should then be saved as an output file.

Basically, take the input file, read the first line of this file. This is the number of columns your HTML table should have. The 2nd line of the file is the number of rows your HTML table should have. create the table using this inputFile and also populate the entries of the table using this inputFile. Then create an HTML web page with the name output.htm and save the HTML table in this HTML page. All of this has to be done in JES (jython environment for students), which is the same thing as python.

So far, I have:

def createHTMLTable(inputFile):
file = open("Y:\CS177\project3\TODO2.txt", "rt") #opens the text file provided
file.readlines() #reads the file as individual lines

No idea where to go from here... please help!