Almost everything has chemical names which I have no Idea what the hell they are. I am a vegan and i love animals so much, my mom thinks I'm obssesed cause I won't wear anything leather, and I have to read everything I eat. Even so, I don't know what half of this chemical names mean and a lot of them can be either dervived from animals or plants. I just ate gobstoppers and I find out that they have an ingredient that can be from either an animal of plant. It seems like I can't eat anything these days. Why must these companies put all this confusing ingredients?
You guys are such jackasses. Like wtf. If you're not a vegan don't answer this questions. THIS PAGE SAYS VEGAN/VEGETRIAN FOOD AND DRINK. So, what kind of lowlifes are you to go around critizizing vegans. I am merely trying to ask a question and get some advice, not to be judged, I get that enough.
And to the only person that gave good advice, ofcourse i would love to eat just organic and vegan labeled stuff but you know how expensive that is, plus it's not like I live alone. My mom won't stand for that cause it's too much money. She already buys be a lot of vegan stuff, but vegan and organic, that's really too much. Not that I'm against that idea cause I would love to do that.
The problem isn't being vegan, it's the ingredients which are in everything. Like i read it but all these chemical names, i mean you think it doesn't have an animal product but it does. a lot of thing these days can be both from an animal and a plant. that's the problem. Like even corn syrup which is found in everything! you don't know what you're eating and that's the problem.