interesting rant)? I'm 19 and unfortunately part of the ill mannered generation, but I consider myself separate from most my age and to be quite old fashioned. I can't seem to relate to my generation or even those one, maybe two, generations ahead of me. What's worse is not only to do I feel to be different, but I can't seem to get along with them either. Is anyone else offended by all this profanity people are spewing out? I'm not talking about light curses like goddamn it, hell, or even saying "oh sh_t" occasionally. I'm talking about the F word, the B word, the C word, and the like; the harder words, if you will. Is it just me or does anyone find that so much cursing just makes someone look unintelligent, unattractive, and downright rude and disrespectful?

A crazy story, actually, two stories of the same premise occurred during my HS years that really had me worried for the future generation and the blase attitude of the older generations towards the wide use of profanity. At school, you know, the place that is supposed to be a professional environment for both the students and teachers, I recalled two different people on two different occasions saying the F word maybe within 3 feet of the teacher at most! Being that I think the academic environment should be respected, I kindly non-patronizingly told them they're being impolite and inappropriate. What do they do? They proceeded to act like infants by saying the offending word countless times as if they think I'm a person of authority that they feel inclined to defy. What was especially scary was both teachers ignored me when I politely brought it to their attention and asked why aren't they doing anything about it. It is days like this where I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone of a world where civility is long gone and those who do not curse are among the rarity.

What I find more interesting is that females curse just as much, if not more, than men. Please let me empathize that I do NOT believe females should be compelled to conform to the constructed gender stereotypes, but I feel if a female takes it upon herself to go the whole nine yards and do her hair, her makeup, and dress herself with style, it just does not make sense that they would sabotage all their beauty with those fowl words. If I made effort to look like a lady, why would I want to talk like the opposite?

Profanity with my parents has forever ruined my relationship with them. I cannot even talk to them nor do I ever want to see them again; I'm even contemplating plotting revenge because I despise them. I believe that parents, no matter what, should never curse at their children whom they claim to love. I am not talking about the word a_sh_le either; I wish that's all they called me! I'm talking about the worst words you can say towards someone and saying those words very frequently when arguments arise. I would have tried to forgive them if this happened once, twice, or even three times, but after that it is not an accident, but rather total disrespect for your child. I almost wished I was hit instead because at least wounds can heal and I would have hit back to get even.

Lately I've been voicing my offense at my friends and family's language by calling them trailer trash and they get very angry at me. My logic is, if you curse in my presence you should prepare for an unpleasant reaction. I know a lot of people are going to read this and think I have some nerve, which is the most disheartening. It is those who provide the offensive stimuli who provoke my reaction yet they will see me as the problem.

Reinforcing the question, can anyone relate to my feelings about this matter or have any opinions at all?
EDIT: I already received two great answers which I will respond to personally when I have the time, but I'm just going to have to apologize ahead of time for the inability to choose you both for the best answer.