It makes sense that when you lie about yourself in any way, within a relationship, you are creating barriers for the intimacy in the relationship to grow...If you hide things about yourself (your actions, beliefs, etc) from your partner, there is no way to ever truly know if your partner loves YOU or if they love the image that you are portraying. Do people who lie to the person they are supposed to be the closest to, then not care about the fact that they will never know whether their partner's love is real or not? Do they not care if their partner will love them regardless of their flaws, their weaknesses, their mistakes etc.? Doesn't that eventually lead to a lot of pain, the not knowing and the doubts of whether someone would be with you or not if they knew the "truth?" I find that lying eventually makes life so much harder, and not easier, and am baffled by how quickly some people lie to their partners/spouses...Any thoughts?