Hi my 99 honda civic ex coupe is currently leaking automatic transmission fluid or oil. i can't tell because i put a board under the car and when it leaks it forms a pink/clear circle but theres a black dot in the middle???i took it to a small mechanic shop but they were closing but were able to lift it and check it out, he said the bottom was covered in fluid and would have to be cleaned before he could figure out exactly what was wrong and make repairs, he said it would cost $65 for the cleaning. i want to get it repaired at the Honda dealership or midas, which would be faster? and if i took it to those places does anyone have an esitmate on how much it would cost and how long? And can i go to a honda dealership for service when it opens and get serviced if i don't have an appointment? Also what are the effects of leaking oil and automatic transmission fluid?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! PLEASE!!!