this post is not meant to offend anyone, but i already believe that religion is fake so those who are set on changing my mind please just don't try it will make me very upset because everyone is allowed to believe what they want. so no fighting! but religion always seems to be a source of conflict so what can i expect.

im writing an essay on how religion is unnatural and goes agingst human nature. i want to see what otherpeoplel have to say about it so i can get both point of views. what ive personally observed is that religion has always been used to control the way people act so we can be civil and be a "utopian" society (well some do) but you cannot put rules and expectations on human nature without it nothavingg a problem somewhere? the puritans would often use public shame to scare people into obedience is that not trying to control people would they not? is that not used to control people?
isn'tt it just funny how in history it plays out so that religion usually helps government systems? of coursese this is not always the case) but i feel like it is just to brain wash people into a certain way of thinking. this is all im writing on what ive observed. i could go on forever...

but i also see how religion is a good thing. it gives people something to believe in when they are in times of need or when they need guidance. how can people not want to accept the hope that there is something better then this after we die? i sure hope so because life is shitty.

religion is a very clever thing.....what do you think? keep in mind this is for research for an essay im writing so please dont try to convince me to believe in god or whatever just leave me be.
but hope isn't the only aspect of religion. it effects society in different ways that are still unnatural? which goes back to my statement about about it was meant to brainwash people?