Match the following inventors with their inventions:
A. Electric generator
B. Telephone
C. Air brakes for trains
D. Hand held camera
E. Typewriter
F. Gas-powered automobile
G. First refrigerated rail car

George Westinghouse

George Eastman

Thomas Edison

Gustavus Swift

Charles and Frank Duryea

Christopher Sholes

Alexander Bell

Determine how the following scenario could have influenced industrialization in the United States.

Jon Thomas heard about the great wealth that could be earned in the Western United States from mining.
He decided to move from New York City to Colorado to work mining gold and silver.

A) Joseph’s move west, along with many others, allowed factories to develop in small towns.

B) Joseph’s mining of resources like gold and silver provided inexpensive raw materials used in many American industries.

C) Joseph’s creativity, which characterized the people moving west, helped create new industries.

D) Joseph’s move west would still provide big businesses plenty of land to build and grow.

Determine how the following scenario could have influenced industrialization in the United States.

Adam Hirsch received a letter from his brother in America, which mentioned how successful his brother had been at finding a manufacturing job in New York and how he was able to support his family
. Adam decided to move with his wife and three children to America to try to make a better living there.

A) Adam’s children would have enrolled in school upon arrival in America, increasing the numbers in a growing education system.

B) Adam would have purchased a home for his family upon arrival, helping the economy

C) Adam’s family was one of the many families emigrating to the United States, who became part of the large labor force available to growing industries.

D) Adam’s wife could have volunteered at her children’s school, becoming one of the many volunteers needed to support a growing economy.
What trend in the mid to late 1800s had a major influence on the industrialization of the United States?

A) The movement of Native Americans to reservations

B) The construction of railroad tracks across and throughout the country

C) The influence of Republican reforms on the South

D) The increased numbers of haciendas in California
Which of the following factors directly contributed to making industrialization in America successful?

A) Many small, independently-owned retail shops

B) Labor unions

C) The importation of inexpensive raw materials from Europe

D) Inventions like the telephone and railroad technologies
The success of American industry raised the interest of many different groups. Which of the following groups invested in large American businesses?

A) Foreign investors from England
B) Farmers in the Great Plains
C) Individual prospectors from the West
D) African Americans from the South

A great supply of natural resources was one factor contributing to American industrialization that

A) was a great obstacle to producing manufactured goods at affordable prices.

B) was highly taxed so the government would have funds to support a growing nation.

C) was not influenced by government policies.

D) was easily accessible to industry via mines in the northeastern part of the country.
How did the growing American population during the late 1800s contribute to its industrialization?

A) It spurred the demand for farmland in the Great Plains.

B) It allowed most people living in cities to purchase their own homes.

C) It provided manufacturers with many people who could purchase their products.

D) It forced the government to relocate Native Americans to make room for new immigrants.