I am 24 years old woman dating a 30 yr old guy since 3 months. We have great chemistry and have become even good friends. I take time to get physically intimate with men and thats a part of my personality. I have noticed that he is trying to get close to me physically. I mean we have kissed and cuddled but not got sexual. He once tried to unbutton my shirt, but I stopped him without humiliating him and he got the hint that I am not there yet. But now he thinks that I am not going ahead because I am not into him as much he is. He thinks I am still not sure whether I really like him. I want to know whether men feel unloved if u dont put out. Does emotional connection isnt enough to show that a woman likes them? Of course I ll go ahead when i m ready to take it to sexual level, but i want to wait but on the same hand dont want to make him feel unloved.