...intelligence? (long but interesting)? Is it just me or is anyone else very bothered about the constant insults concerning peoples' intelligence? I never would include the words stupid, stupidity, idiot, idiocy, dumb, retarded, low IQ, slow, etc in my vocabulary. I feel these words just supply the user with a false ego and cause the person on the other end to internalize it rather than be motivated by such words. I'm sick of hearing IQ comparisons as if IQ is the only measure of intelligence. I was actually thinking of taking an IQ test at one period, but then I realized it'll ruin my entire life. I'm a perfectionist and whatever score I receive would always be too low. In this case, ignorance is bliss.

I always wanted to become a politician because I'm disgusted at the state of the world and particularly my country, but lately, I've recently been contemplating if I should go through with it. Many people in the public eye, especially those in politics, are called stupid on a daily basis. I don't understand why people just can't disagree and leave it at that. God forbid I become a politician and I misuse a word, lose my train of thought for a moment, have a controversial opinion, or mix up a fact; I would be deemed stupid for the rest of my life and after my death. Even though I disagree with a lot of politicians and presidents, I consider them misguided, evil, corrupt, misinformed, or ignorant rather than unintelligent.

Don't get my wrong, I have called and thought of people as foolish, deluded, silly, and the like a lot of times, but never would I think I was more intelligent than them. I'm horrified at the multiple uses of such demeaning words both on the internet and in real life. I cannot go to online forums, youtube, or even Yahoo!Answers without witnessing someones intelligence being insulted. Even though I'm not being insulted personally, I feel great sorrow for the person these words are directed to. I think if I actually gave myself a few moments to ponder about it, I would weep from the insensitivity of these people. At this point, even as an honors student, I can't even bring myself to transfer from online to a university in person since I fear I would be seen as unintelligent if I ask a question in class or if I'm speaking without a student concerning intelligent discourse and I happen to be unfamiliar with concern concept or academic scholar. I swear, sometimes I just wish I can banish such words from everyones' mouth, but I also believe in free speech. You know what they say, if you don't believe in free speech for your worst enemy, then you don't believe in it at all. I just wish people wouldn't waste their time trying so hard to be superior to other people and realize that intelligence is highly subjective. For example, some can be very knowledgeable in philosophy while another can be just as knowledgeable with grammar or physics. Even if one doesn't possess so called 'book smarts', they can have common sense and/or special skills. What I'm trying to say is everyone is capable of achieving greatness. I sincerely feel that as human beings, we are all creatures of intelligent life.