My 14 yr old daughter has had a problem in school for the past two years and her teachers all tell me that she understands the work but she is too lazy and only does enough to get her by without effort. She looks forward to going to school for social means, so I bought her a cell phone and let her have more free time with friends thinking she could talk unlimited at anytime and not during class. Then she started not coming home on random days as if she had an opportunity to hang out and wanted to have fun regardless of consequence. She got out of school at 3pm and did not come home til 9pm, one time even 11pm. This has changed a bit this year she is home between 4-5pm but still no call and yesterday she did not come home till after 5pm and today 6:30pm. I took her phone which she would send me to voice mail anyway but I actually found it broken on the floor so I fixed it and kept it. She has no daily phone privileges due to her disrespectful attitude in which she really doesn't care cause she has school. She could careless about the computer, I even took the tv out of her room to try to communicate better with her. Her not calling or coming home after school and only doing the least in school is scaring me especially her carefree attitude of she is going to do what she wants regardless hurts me. I don't beat her and she has no interest. I bought her lots for xmas but I want to return the ipod touch and the uggs because even if she got a D but her teacher said she puts forth effort, if she made an effort to come home on time or call when running late. I feel she is taking me as a sucker and in life you can not get over on people, you have to be held accountable, and I feel her job is school and to be home on time and keep her room clean. I just do not want to send her the wrong message for rewarding her behavior and she has plenty of other gifts.