vernacular - related to every speech eg. vernacular speaker...
lingo - slang,jargon, vernacular ---- the language of a particular class of people eg. they dont speak our lingo (the codes which thieves use for operation,etc... just like the explanation in dialect)
dialect - the way of talking belonging to a specific group eg. the immigrants spoke an odd English dialect... does it mean accent?
does it also mean lingo? - strong / puzzling dialect of the armymen / scientist / engineers / technicians (involving some technical terms peculiar to a group, baffling to a layman)
semantics - the meaning of a word, phrase, text or sentence eg, let's us not quibble over the semantics when we are agreed on all the things///....does the sentence mean analyzing a phrase/etc. bit by bit, and pondering over the exact meaning of words and if the meaning goes out of context, then ther's a debate.

semblance - appearance which is deliberately misleading eg. his words had semblance of innocence

literature - charactericized by excellence of style,imaguination and expression... a writing style (eg. poetry) which is not like everyday speech and involves hidden meaning.

secular - not religious (then what is meant by secular architecture?)

spiritual - religious, affecting spirit and soul. - spiritual approach to life, spiritual values...

Linguistics - scientific study of a language - any sentence and a little more elaboration?

Thanks for your answers.... I am a little confused.