Well I'm 13 and I have been told I am a hypochondriac I have a pretty good life but I love my life in fear I get so scared I get panic attacks and I make myself think I'm having a heart attack till I break Down crying I get very upset and mainly about death and being by myself not like marriage and dating just all alone and I wake up in the middle of the night and freak out crying I am sorta on pills I haven't token them in a while I'm going to a therapist in a few days cause my mom says this isn't healthy I can't sleep right now cause I'm thinking of the odds of me dying tonight please help I'm in a total break down Mode and I hurt a chew at my fingers till they basically bleed and my friend says I need help my fingers are covered in dry blood half the time and I sometimes go into the girls bathroom and I have a total break down and cry to the point when my teacher has to send someone to go get me so they know I'm ok I get so stressed I either eat or get bad direr I hurt so bad please what should I do to come down I'm on my iPad listening to Duffy so I'm feeling a little better what's my issue I only get this way when I'm by myself it makes me hate me and I don't like this feeling
I have manic deppression