I've had a cheap walmart road bike for a while and it's almost at 1000 miles. I don't have enough money to dump this and buy a decent road bike, so I was wondering if I could "upgrade" a "poor man's road bike."
Apparently the components are cheap chunks of steal; would it be a reasonable idea or helpful upgrade to find a cheap crankset online or from an old, junked Salvation Army road bike?
Should I replace the freewheel (some of its teeth are getting worn) with http://www.amazon.com/SunRace-R30-7-speed-13-25t-freewheel/dp/B003RLE9X8/ref=pd_sbs_sg_49 ?
Also, are there any other affordable changes I can make?
I've read from someone on a cycling forum that its aluminum frame is actually decent - would that make a difference?