When I was 12 my dad purchased me a very used and beat up Buick Riviera for us to restore. We never got around to it because he passed away. I am now older and want to find one similar to purchase. I know the 1971 model shown on the link below had the curved back window but what other years did they make it like this?

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.oldcarmanualproject.com/brochures/1971Riviera/71BuickRiviera.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.oldcarmanualproject.com/brochures/1971Riviera/index.html&h=602&w=600&sz=74&tbnid=n87P4KwnJNrZ0M: &tbnh=225&tbnw=224&prev=/images%3Fq%3D1971%2Bbuick%2Briviera&zoom=1&q=1971+ buick+riviera&hl=en&usg=__WE4DZAKIB_ZoFoDE8uVkxQL4 xFA=&sa=X&ei=EQU2TbuwBoa8lQec6fG3Cg&ved=0CBoQ9QEwA A