My friend and I have been apart for almost two years, she moved to the UK. Last year when I decided to relocate to UK I sent her an email asking for help me with some general info about the UK and some tips on qualifying for the visa but to my surprise she ignored the email. However I managed to do my own research and I qualified for a visa in a city far from where she lives and thought I should let my friend know of the success. Well this time she did reply and said congratulations and gave me the info I had asked for in the first place. It hurt me a bit that she wasnt helpful the time that I really needed her help. A few days before travelling I told her all my travelling details but she ignored again and didnt even contact me when I arrived. After a few months she told me that she wanted to come to the city where I was living and stay with me so she could tour the place and I agreed although she didnt manage to come coz of work.

A few months later my husband of a few months followed and I thought I should notify her again as a friend. The next time she called she said to me, 'Oh, so where's your sweetheart, bring him to the phone I wanna have a chat with him!'. I was a bit offended with the way she expressed so much interest in my husband (she has seen him on facebook) and the arrogance, I didnt trust her motives so I said he wasnt home. I was trying to rebuild our friendship which had always been kind of distant though. After a month of silence she sent me an email inviting my husband and I to her place for new years. I thought I should also not respond to it. To me it seemed she just wanted to meet my husband more than she wanted to see me coz of the way she put it. Two weeks later I decided to call her using a public phone but she was very dismissive. I phoned again two days later using my mobile number and said, 'who is this!?' (she used to have my number!) and I told her it was me then she said, 'i'll call you back later..' and that was it.

What do yo