I have to explain the Poem, make one reference from each stanza use imagery, tone, diction. Please check what I wrote, what should I change, any other words I should use

Come, live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
Of peace and plenty, bed and board,
That chance employment may afford.

I’ll handle dainties on the docks
And thou shalt read of summer frocks:
At evening by the sour canals
We’ll hope to hear some madrigals.

Care on thy maiden brow shall put
A wreath of wrinkles, and thy foot
Be shod with pain: not silken dress
But toil shall tire thy loveliness.

Hunger shall make thy modest zone
And cheat fond death of all but bone –
If these delight thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.

He says to come live with him and be his wife. He will give her everything he possibly can, but his job will not offer much security or money to support her. "That chance employment may afford." Life will be hard, gloomy, and miserable for the couple. He works hard as stevedore to support her while she sits at home flipping through a fashion magazine. "An evening by the sour canals," they are near a filthy, unromantic canal, hoping to hear the sounds of instruments in the distance. He tells her not to worry about money as the wrinkles take over her forehead from the stress that she is enduring. "Be shod with pain, not silken dress. But toil shall tire thy loveliness." She will be exhausted from work, not tired (dressed), "silken dress". “ Hunger shall make thy modest zone And cheat fond death of all but bone”. He says she will be always be hungry and when death comes, she will only be bone and no flesh. Then he says if all this misery amuses her then she must come live with him.