Well I got sick pretty much. I had a huge rash on my throat and one morning it was kinda hard to breath so I had to miss 2 days before I could go to the doctor then he told me that I needed to stay on the pill for 24 hours (I went to the doctor on Tuesday) so I was supposed to go back Thursday but I couldn't because my dad slept in and we were an hour away from my school so he just let me skip then on Friday (Today) my throat was killing me again for some reason so I didn't go. Yada Yada Yada

So anyway the whole week was for Finals (Not one final a week or anything.. O_O Different days for different kids) and Friday was the day only people who had to make up finals would go (PLUS I was supposed to get my new schedule for the next marking period.) and I'm kinda sad because my mom got pissed at me and said "Fine don't go to school. You'll fail the 9th grade" and she walked away and I cried because I can't stand the fact of repeating a grade. I'd rather kill myself then do that (I have depression and suicide problems but I'm going to a therapist for it.) So anyway what will happen now? :{