My Ex girlfriend said that me a few days ago Due to she said she feels she has to start the convo Alright.. i understand we both said we were gonna stay friends but.. I really cant be friends with her Just due to the things shes done.. in the past i mean i know i messed up in the past.. But i never broke up with her and then go out with a new dude 2 or 3 days after that...And on new years She was online talking to this dude..And we were still dating then.. So the guy asked her out she said yes? And i asked her about and she said ohh hes not getting a date then that night She was talking about how She feels once again that shes the only one entertaining us fun wise.. And then she started talking about this guy she used to like I kinda got tired of it and said "why dont you go with him? He seems like a way better guy then me right? you should try him out" She said "wow i like how ur just giving up on me" I was not giving up im just tried of this always fighting we talk in laugh for a few days then we start a fight we dont talk for 2 or 3 weeks then i see her going out with a new guy.. I mean im just tired of going though this stuff I love the girl no doubt but this has to stop

And a few hours ago i texted her trying to just talk to her she seemed down.. But She told me she was sick again(She has cancer) So just sitting hear listing to her talk i felt like it was my fault the whole time..Like she wouldnt be sick again if i didnt Say what i did.. Now if something happans To her Idk.. it kinda feels like ill have the guilt.

So what im asking is it my fault?