Ok I've been trying not to ask a "Do you think I could be pregnant?" question, because I know everyone asks this! However I have more than convinced myself I am (i would like to think I know my body, & I just "feel" pregnant!). But I am looking for your thoughts, honest ones!So here's the deal... My fiance and I have been having unprotected sex for almost 6 months now, not necessarily trying to conceive before now, but would be happy if I got pregnant. AF came last on Dec. 17th and was early (which is unusual for me, im usually right on 28 days). I do not know the exact days we had sex, but we do often and so there would be a good chance we did around when I was ovulating. On January 2nd, I had slight spotting pinkish in color and only twice when I wiped (sorry if TMI)... this is also very unusual to me, and I can never remember having spotting before. A few days after that I started feeling nauseous, i've had pains near my ovaries and in my lower abdomen, my nipples have been really sore and red, i've been getting frequent headaches, going to the bathroom more often, eating more often, and even been a lot more tired than usual. I took a hpt on Jan 13 (one day before my missed period), and another on Jan 16th... both of which were negative. I was starting to lose hope, but still had the symptoms and AF was still a no show. This past saturday night (Jan 17th) I woke up in the middle of the night with period-like cramps, and they continued through most of sunday. This is wierd for me because I don't normally get cramps until the day after I start. And then sadly, sunday afternoon AF came... or so I'm thinking? It started very light, just spotting all through sunday (it usually starts very heavy for the first 2 days). And then this morning until now it was more of a regular flow, but much lighter than normal still. My cramps also have been almost non-existent today. I still feel pregnant though, pain(not period like) by my ovaries, tired, sore nipples (not usual with my period)... etc.I got a little curious today and started looking around for answers and read about decidual bleeding... and started to think maybe I wasn't completely crazy in being so convinced I'm pregnant?I know I'm most likely looking way to far into this and letting my hopes get the best of me, which is why I'm hoping maybe you guys can bring me back down to earth. Or do you think it's possible I'm actually pregnant and just tested too early because AF was a little off?I know some of you will say test again, or go see the doctor... but i've read that if it is decidual it most likely won't show up positive until after it's done. And I have made a dr's appt but she cant see me until next week... so I was just looking for some thoughts in the mean time. Thanks in advance for the help, and baby dust to you all!Just wanted to add that I didnt start thinking I was pregnant until I started feeling it... as I was not trying to conceive so I had no reason to think I was!Also I started having the symptoms about 2 weeks before I was even supposed to start my period, which is why I don't think they are form that (only thing normal for my period is bloating and cramps)Thanks for the answers though, and it's nice to hear someone else is in the same situation