...why do i still love him? My ex and i have been broken up for 3 months now...... no communication at all! just recently we started talking again, told him i wasnt sure i wanted to be with him because of our issues in the past....... he has put his hands on me and he has a drinking problem. In the almost 3 weeks that we have been communicating, everything has been really good until just recently when we got into an argument where he broke my flatscreen tv. I told him i didnt want him in my life anymore and ive been ignoring the calls/ texts. I know everything that has gone on in the past and recently are clear red flags that i dont need to be with this person but i still love and care about him. I know love isnt enough to fix the problems we have. Take away the 3 times its been physical and the drinking.....he is a really a great person, just been through hard circumstances. I have trust issues and i wonder if i create problems that arent there?!? Logically i know this will never work but why is my heart having such a hard time understanding this?.........