I am 7 months pregnant. My babys dad and I have been dating on and off for two years. He broke up with me 2 weeks ago due to the fact that we "argue to much". He told me he wants to be apart of BOTH me and our sons life because "were now a family" which I respect but I don't understand what that's suppose to mean. This is why: He tells me he still "loves" me and "wants" to be with me but we can't because we argue to much; we lost that "spark" we once had and its not coming back. And that loving me isn't enough due to our arguments. (They are dumb fights about small stuff; never violent and last 10 min max; happens about 1-2 week) Im aware he's trying to play me but I'm not going to play games. I want to do the right thing and give him the chance to be apart of my sons life but I still have strong feelings for him. Obviously I would love to be a real family and make it work but he doesnt. How can he be expect and/or be apart of MY life if he's the one that ended the relationship? I know we need to make something work but it hurts being around someone who doesnt share the same feelings. I try talking to him but I'm not quite sure what it is im trying to talk to him about (his mixed signals and my mixed emotions) plus he's hard headed so the conversations dont go too far. I'm due in April ... I'm so confused and lost. I need advice :/