...Pontiac Grand Am GT? I know, and trust me, if I could afford it I would pay to have the head gaskets replaced, but it's just not an option.

I took my car to get the oil changed because when I checked the oil it looked "weird". (I'm a girl, so bear with me) Anyway, the oil change tech told me my head gaskets were blown.

I took my car to a mechanic I know and he told me a "secret" he said most mechanics don't share. He said to use Bar's Head Gasket Leak Repair, that way I'd $8 rather than $800. He said three times this month already he's given people that advice and it worked. And since finances are tight and $800 is basically impossible, I pretty much leapt for joy at the sound of spending under ten dollars.

So I've got the stuff. And the sad truth is, I just don't know a lo about cars. But I'm a great "read and learn" or "watch and learn" girl.

If anyone is familiar with 2003 Pontiac Grand Am GTs who could give me a basic rundown (don't worry I won't hold anyone liable, lol), or even better, point me to a video, I would be so appreciative. My dad said "Pontiacs are just different" and mumbled something about the radiator cap when I asked him for help, so I'm desperate! Any advice, tips, or special pointers would be, like I said, much appreciated.

Obviously, I know the preferred method is best, but since it's not an option and this vehicle is my only means of transportation to get back and forth to work and I have three kids who depend on me as well, it would be so much less stressful financially if I could at all possible avoid spending upwards of a thousand dollars or more.

Thanks guys...I have faith in my YA pros!