Oh big blue sky, such vast expanse,
Wide enough to hold so many weathers,
All at the same time, speak to my mind of such.
That I too as soul can hold many weathers
All to the same and still swim and breathe
The vastness left

Oh big blue sky a body knowing hunger
Before starvation sing your starvation pangs
Grumbling never far gone, unheard
Why then river’s soul still starving, of rivers
Dammed shut and clutched in fists of mind,
Clasped numb, nerves silenced, what note to still?

Oh big blue sky, I want be freed, want
Loosed the notes off page and staff.
Played instead, upon vast blue hues,
Freed the struggle, freed gripping doubt,
Weary in bones running from truth and knowing,
Of miss played clefs.

Oh big blue sky un-clutching, emptying,
Wondering what note pain, what shape colour
What taste the fragrance left, in wind’s nostrils past.
Soul’s river opening, and wondering from whence
Pain rests before the visit? Before pain striking
Eardrum only carves pitiful canyons of heart?

Oh big blue sky do tell, unwavering
Where stories gushed forth on paper rest
Before the music to compose them
Where stories sounding voices rest
Before dance choreographed them
Rain secrets at play in riverbed’s clay

Oh big blue sky, entertainer wise
Tell the compositions the wind paints
In floods, torrent upon torrent
Birthing only questions afloat the Soul
And urging onward the call beyond the familiar
To night sounds yet to hear.

(poor man copy right)