I thought my beloved T5 was dead. The exact circumstances that caused it not to want to switch on aren't clear to me, but I know that none of the documented reset procedures, even when on power would bring it back to life.

Anyway, I left it on my desk for about a month and as much out of a desire to get it out of the way as anything, I chucked it into the cradle yesterday, and much to my surprise, it started up!

Unfortunately, at this stage, the cradle was unplugged from the wall charger, and only plugged into the USB port, which T5s are well known (I believe?) not to charge particularly well from, so after setting the time and date, the poor thing died again, and is now back in the exact state it was in before.

I presume that having a terminally low battery is causing this misbehaviour, and if I could get it to start up again while plugged into the mains, it would probably charge up and work normally again... But now I know it's still alive, I'm intrigued and impatient, and I don't want to wait another month to see it working again, so my question is has anybody else observed behaviour like this in a Tungsten model, and what did they do to fix it. As far as I know, I did the hard and soft reset procedures properly... Any further advice?

Maybe temporarily desoldering the battery for a moment (damn them not using a plug ) would speed up the process.

Thanks in advance...