The tests were carried out by the Centre for Integrative Clinical and Molecular Medicine in Brisbane, Australia. Fenugreek seeds contain compounds called saponins which are said to stimulate the production of male sex hormones including testosterone.The local grocery store or even your household kitchen can prove to be the best apothecary for shooting up the sexual drive, as supplying the right food to the brain can turn you on. For example, the ubiquitous spices like black pepper, chilly pepper, cumin, fennel, flax seeds, and turmeric powder can work wonders for distraught couples. These and other herbs can stimulate the libido, perking up people’s sex lives.
Experts have since long suggested the use of Chinese herbs such as Ginseng — a sexual stimulant — and native African Kola nuts — known to be great energy boosters — among others. These herbal aphrodisiacs are most sought after, as they are cheap, effective and have minimal side effects.