Two year ago i was in the 9th grade ... I dated this girl that gave me the buttflies and always made me nervous to talk to. I really liked her.. But we broke up. Now, i feel like if a girl likes me i wont get the same butterfly feeling in my stomach. It might be because i am alot less shy around girls than i use to be. I want to date a girl that will give me that feeling... But i feel like one doesnt exist. I am starting so feel attracted to guys or something.. Idk. Is it possible to change from straight to gay? I feel like i wouldnt have sex with a guy but at the same time i dont know. I also feel like i wouldnt get hard if i was going to have sex with a girl. I dont know why i think this, heck i dont want to feel that way. I wish i was a guy that gets all the girls but im not. I seem to always be picturing the popular guys naked for some reason. I honesly dont want to be gay.. I just wanttl be one of the popular guys that gets all the
Girls and stuff im not that bad looking either. I feel like i am just not very confident like the other guys. By writing this i feel like i have some hope and my situation isnt that bad. But other times i cant stop thinking about not wanting to be gay. Idk whats wrong with me.