Seriously, I know this first hand. I'm in my 20's and recently i went through some really rough times (don't wanna go in details, but pretty close to life or death situations) for a very long period of time nonstop. So much continuous stress that now, thank God and i thank him everyday, i'm out of that situation and i realized how all the illness and physical changes during this time were due to stress. It's crazy how when mentally your stressed it'll show physically as well.

No matter what your going through, think positive, stay strong, be happy/thankful for what you have, and trust in God and know that he will help you and he's with you every step of the way.

There are always going to be positive and negative things in life, try to look at the positive more. Always see the glass half full.

Take care and enjoy life each and everyday because you never know when it can be taken away from you.
