Hi I'm a professional interiors and architectural photographer, I have always worked with natural light with the added help of Lastolite reflectors. Recently I have come up against some interiors that have been a little too dark to shoot as the long exposures have blown out windows even with the help of my Nikon D3X's Active D lighting system.

I've used the larger Bowens flash lights before but they are too bulky and delicate to take with me when I'm working abroad. So my question is will the Nikon SB-700 with a reflective umbrella be a suitable flash to fill in the dark spots of a room when shooting darker interiors?

This is not to say that the room will be pitch black or very large, but I need a powerful enough flash to balance the room correctly. I am aware that it is possible to take two shots and merge them with the use of editing software but I would rather have the correct results on location.

Many thanks!