in my flash website frame there is this coding " import;

InteractiveObject(TheName.getChildAt(1... =1;
InteractiveObject(TheEmail.getChildAt(... =2;
InteractiveObject(TheMessage.getChildA... =3;

Sned_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.C... fl_MouseClickHandler);

function fl_MouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):v...

if (TheName.text == "" || TheEmail.text == "" || TheMessage.text == "")
TheFeedBack.text = "please fill out all fields";
// Create a Variable Container
var allVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); = TheName.text; = TheEmail.text;
allVars.message = TheMessage.text;

// Send info to a url
var mailAddress:URLRequest = new URLRequest("//URL WHERE MAIL PHP IS"); = allVars;
mailAddress.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
TheFeedBack.text = "Thank You";
TheName.text = "";
TheEmail.text = "";
TheMessage.text = "";


in my mail php there is this coding

$TheName = $_REQUEST["TheName"];
$TheEmail = $_REQUEST["TheEmail"];
$TheMessage = $_REQUEST["TheMessage"];
$allVars = $_REQUEST["AllVars"];

$to = "//MY EMAIL ADD//";
$subject = "Contact Form Website";
$full_msg = "From TheName: " . $TheName . "\n From TheEmail: " . $TheEmail . "\n TheMessage: " . $TheMessage . "\n TheInfo: " . $allVars;

$ok= mail($to, $subject, $full_msg);


where am i going wrong this is driving me up the wall, the // are quotes i've put in to take out the data which is already there but im sure all coders know this, please help its making me bonkers

Additional Details
Well i've got a flash website with a contact us page, the fields it requires is name, email and message. im trying to export the user imputed data and send it to my email address using php. so i want the flash code to export the data inputed from the user. and i want the php to grab the data sent from the flash so it can email it to my email address