I've written eight stories so far, two of them don't have ANY reviews.

I see other stories just as far along as my own, but they have much more popularity than mine... I don't think my writing is bad, I also know that there are stronger writers there than me but I would still like to have more reviews on my stuff.

I have one story that is so far 14 chapters along (unfinished) and has 26 reviews, but they're mostly people who review after reading each chapter. Probably four or five people in total...

Anywhere I could market my stuff without looking like a pathetic attention seeker? I've asked people here to follow links to my stories, but I'm always afraid that doing that, even if for feedback, is violating community guidelines...

I suppose I am really writing for MYSELF, not other people, but still, it'd be nice to get more recognition like a lot of the other writers.