My boyfriend works at for a tow truck company, now I know businesses like this are usually dirty but this is ridiculous! For starters the business is operating out of a single wide trailer, there are cracks in the floor and the trailer is practically falling apart. There are at least 6 people LIVING in this trailer at a time not to mention 2 ferrets some kittens and 4 dogs. I don't even think I could put into words how disgusting this place is. There is roaches everywhere, the whole place smells of poo and rotten food. I can't even step foot in this office with out gagging, and my poor boyfriend works there. I don't see how someone could run a business in a place like this and someone not find out and do anything. I'm wondering how I could get someone in there to.. I don't know.. shut this place down or something. This is toxic!
My boyfriend and I are saving back every penny so we can get out of this town and away from this tow truck company, but I really feel like I need to do something about the way these people live. They have babies staying over, one of the girls living there is pregnant, the older man is disabled.
Thats about it on the details. Please suggestions?