Hello, my name is Anthony, and I am in need of some help! I recently purchased a 1995 Toyota Camry LE Wagon. And I must say what an amazing vehicle. But I am looking to sell it. There is nothing wrong with it. Current mileage is 272,520 miles. The 2200 RE 4cyl is one of the best motors ever made. From what I've heard these motors can reach 600,000 miles if properly taken care of. I have all the info I need as far as selling value. But I am trying to find detailed information about this engine. All I know is that it was the most reliable engine. And was in all of the 92-96 Camry's of all body styles. And it was in the Tacoma's and Tundras of that era as well. But I was wondering if someone could help me by giving me a spec list on that motor, and maybe a little bit of history besides what I've mentioned? I can't seem to find anything. Thanks in advance!!