There is this guy that is in most of my classes in college and he always gazes at my face even though I look back at him and he still doesn't stop gazing so I began to ignore him since I think he is so rude...he's unbelievable..and he makes things feel awkward when he is around me..he is so relaxed around other girls and talks with them... but he never speaks with me and he tries to sit next to me in some classes and he looks at me but I never look at him...don't get me wrong, I am not trying to be mean with him and I can be his friend if he wants me to but that is it..I am friendly with most people...he only asks me stuff that he can answer himself like when something is due when he very well knows the answer since the professor mentions it like 5 times before dismissal..the other day I was in the library and he was sitting right next to me and he was looking at me a few times but didn't say anything for a long time until when his friends were gone, he asked me "Are you in my Philosophy class? " and it was so stupid for him ask me that since he even talked with me in Philosophy class once and he like looks at me everyday in that I thought that he knew I was in his Philosophy class or am I wrong?...But with my response, I told him that I was and he told me if I turned in all the essays and then I asked him something about another essay from another class I got with him and he like started a small conversation about it and I was like a little surprised that this essay from another class was 10 pages and he was being nice and showing me how to enlarge the font so there will be more pages...he didn't seem like a bad and weird guy when he talked with me...