I had to write a sestina for my composition class. It's hard to follow my professor and I know little to nothing about poetry. I want to make sure that I wrote this correctly.

I didn't initially mean to make the poem disturbing. I came up with something for the first stanze and just rolled with it lol I realize that the end product is bizarre. I'm not looking for a critique on the content. I'm more interested in errors in my grammar and poetic form. Thank you!!!

I've had trouble with sleep
Since my dreams
Have begun to repeat
Night after night
I'm wandering the same roads
At a complete loss for direction

When I come close to finding direction
I awaken from my sleep
Never seeing an end to the roads
Causing frustration with my dreams
Now I'm always anxious for night
Where I'm doomed to repeat

Every night it continues to repeat
I search for direction
But am lost all night
The next time I sleep
I'm going to concur these dreams
I will decode the roads

I'm back on the roads
And am ready to repeat
As many times as I must to end this and take back my dreams
I will map out every direction
And refuse to break my sleep
Until I resolve this needless war with the night

I search throughout the night
Marking all of the roads
I sense I've had a long sleep
But I'll force myself to continue; this will be the last repeat
I'm sensing familiarity now with every new direction
It's adding to the monotony of the dreams

I'm exhausted of the dreams
I'm sick of the night
I'm learning now that there is really only one direction
Circles make up the roads
So I'm always in repeat
The mystery's been solved, but I'm now stuck in sleep
The dreams of the roads are my reality
Its always night; the circles repeat
Stuck in one direction, no escape from sleep