1. In which kingdom did Vikings assimilate with eastern Slavs?
a. England
b. Hungary
c. Poland
d. Russia

5. The Magna Carta was a document that
a. established peace between the Angles and the Normans.
b. eventually was used to strengthen the idea that a monarch's power was limited, not absolute.
c. conceded power over the courts to the Roman Catholic Church.
d. established the first English Parliament and defined its powers to grand taxes and pass laws.

6. Charlemagne established the missi dominici, who were
a. prieses charged with the education of young men, in order to prepare them for a life in the clergy.
b. two men who were sent out to local districts to ensure that the counts were carrying out the kin's orders.
c missionaries charged with converting people in Eastern Europe.
d. messengers who carried the king's laws to all the cities in the kingdom.

8. The push for the Crusades came when
a. Saladin seized Makkah.
b. the plague devastated Europe.
c. the Byzantine emperor asked for aid.
d. Constantinople was sacked in 1204.

"Belisarious, then, as mentioned, had a mighty reputation and outstanding mental ability; his plans were formed to benefit the Emperor's affairs and carried out with a mind of his own. Other generals, being more on a par with each other and only thinking of their personal gain in their conduct of operations, began to plunder the Romans and to subject the citizens to the will of the soldiers, never considering their duty or keeping the troops obedient to their commands. So they made many mistakes, and in a very short time the whole Roman Empire fell down in ruins about them."

9. Who benefited from Belisarius's plans?
a. the soldiers
b. other generals
c. Justinian
d. the people of the Empire

11. To honor the faith of the Eastern Orthodox Church, what was undertaken throughout the Byzantine Empire?
a. an artistic effort to enrich the church
b. a Crusade.
c. a battle against the Catholic Church
d. a movement to depose the emperor

15. The struggle between Henry IV and Gregory VII was known as
a. the Investiture Controversy.
b. the Seven Years' War.
c. the Magna Argument.
d. the Concordat of Worms

18. Merchants and artisans living in walled cities came to be called
a. burghers or bourgeoisie, from the German word burg.
c. highwaymen, members of the wealthiest and most powerful families.
c. nouveau riche, from the French term for "new wealth."
d. journeymen, since they were so often traveling to other cities to trade.

19. Elections for city council in medieval cities were often
a. just held to appease the citizens, since the council was really chosen by the local lord.
b. open to everyone, no matter what his or her economic status.
c. carefully rigged to make sure that only patricians were elected.
d. the only way a peasant's voice could be heard.

22. Hildegard of Bingen's work is especially remarkable because she
a. died at a very young age.
b. was blind.
c. succeeded in a man's world.
d. gave up all worldly goods.

24. The Black Death(Black Plague) killed nearly 38 million people, resulting in
a. new advances in medicine.
b. a severe famine.
c. the collapse of the Catholic Church.
d. severe economic consequences.

29. Which of the following was an accomplishment of King Henry VII of England?
a. A strong royal government
b. A Reconquista
c. The taille
d. The Great Schism

"Thus shall one take the oath of fidelity:
By the Lord before whom this sanctuary is holy I will to N. be true and faithful, and love all which he loves and shun all witch shuns, according to the laws of God and the order of the world. Nor will I ever with will or action, through word or deed, do anything which is unpleasing to him, on condition that he will hold to me as I shall deserve it, and that he will perform everything as it was in our agreement when I submitted myself to him and chose his will."
----An Anglo Saxon Form of Commendation, from Anglo-Saxon Laws

46. What in the passage tells you that medieval society did not make a clear division between church and state?

50. If forced to choose, would you rather be a serf or a slave? Defend your answer with details.