I need some advice. This involves three other people. They will be referred to here as Person 1, Person 2, and Person 3. Me, Person 1, and Person 2, are all close friends who have known each other since way back in middle school, in other words, a very long time. Person 1 was dating this girl who I am referring to as Person 3 to avoid using profanity. Person 2 slept with Person 3 (or his best friends girl) five times, then lied about it for about a month. Now Person 1 is lashing out at all mutual friends of Person 2. Keep in mind that both are by closest friends. Now Person 1 is trying to make me sound like a bad person for still being friends with Person 2. I believe that all people do horrible things all the time, and life goes on, and everyone learns from the stupid things they do, and bla bla bla. I feel really sorry for Person 1, but my leniency with someone lashing out like that is wearing thin...
What Person 2 did may be inexcusable, but we're still friends. One thing I do not tolerate is people trying to control me and thinking they have a right to tell me who I should be friends with and such.