For months at a time, he said he deployed the police to stop and question everyone going in and out of certain neighborhoods.

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Specifically, he says he has calmed Ju?rez by dividing the city into sectors and locking down troubled areas, starting with the central business district where La Linea was based.

For months at a time, he said he deployed the police to stop and question everyone going in and out of certain neighborhoods.

Critics contend that while the effort destroyed La Linea, an especially violent gang implicated in the 2010 massacre of teenagers at a house party and the killing of a U.S. Consulate worker, it also has led to unjustified arrests for anyone young or poor who looks like trouble.

"It's a systemic violation of human rights," said Gustavo de la Rosa, a Chihuahua state human rights investigator. "More than 5,000 illegal detentions were reported in the months of October and November."

This is in Mexico....

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