Ok its middle school and this is where boys get confusing and immature right? So here's my story, here's 2 boys let's called them Bob and Luke. Bob is a guy I used to like, he always stares and looks at me whenever I'm near him, I even catch him almost everytime! He's a guy that every girl likes! Ok and there's Luke, he's bobs best friend who looks at me, he's nice and talks to me. He's in 4 of my classes.
So since they both have been staring and looking at me for the past 4 MONTHS, 3 of my friends asked Bob if he liked me, there was one 'i don't know' and 2 no's. Then my best friend asked them both and they said 'No because of my makeup..?' but I only wear thin bottom eyeliner and top mascara.
so here's where it gets complicated and confusing. They still look and stare at me, Bob looks back one time then will keep looking back when he finds me! Then Luke will look only once or twice. Last tuesday they were walking behind us after school and telling us this guy liked my friend( it was a joke) then Luke calls my name then I say his name. Let's call myself Tierra(my name is similar), so Bob says to me 'Tieraaa' then I say his name, joshuaaa(that's his real name there!) then they kept telling us that this guy liked my best friend and I told him Screw you, then Bob says 'I love you!' he even says it to my best friend
finally last Friday Bob was walking behind us again and he was walking veryyy close and I had to walk a bit forward more then he accidentaly stepped on my shoe, that's how close he was.
So I don't know what to say if their messing with me or not but Bob has had 2 girlfriends but dumped them in less than a month. I'm not looking forward into dating into either one of them cause middle school dating is not really important right?this has been going on for 4 months.
But what do you think about this? And please don't say worry about school, and not boys! I know that but I'm really not focusing on them, I'm in honor roll, their just wasting my time! Thanks