Someone on ebay is selling a used blackberry very cheap, and my phone right now is acting really weird and annoying and this is literally like my 4th version of the same phone, and they don't even sell the phone anymore but when something goes wrong they just send me another version of the phone because they still have them in stock.
I can't get a new phone until around November, but I'm so sick and tired of this phone and I want to buy this blackberry from ebay. The thing is, it's a Blackberry curve 8330 I think, and us cellular only carries the Blackberry Torch and Blackberry curve 9350 now...

So my question is, if US Cellular doesn't carry the phone anymore, but used to, can I buy a phone from someone and get it just activated by them?
I've done this before when I lost my phone and my mom just gave me her old phone and got a new phone because she could get a new contract, but they still carried that phone at the time. I just don't want to waste my money on a phone and then I can't get it activated by them. Thanks!