1. Do you know who John O'Neil is?(Died Sept. 11, 2001)

2. True or False? Iran does not have Weapons of Mass Destruction.

3. Were there actually any Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?

4. True or False? The banks crashed the U.S. Economy in 2008.

5. True or False? Greenhouse gases are actually a natural occurrence that help keep Earth's climate stable, but they can cause the planet to become dramatically warmer when they are in excess.

6. Do you know what the National Defense Authorization Act is?

7. Do you know what the bills (currently on hold) P.I.P.A. and S.O.P.A were?

8. Could you summarize what A.C.T.A, an international trade treaty, plans on doing?

9. What is happening in Syria right now? (Major Events)

10. True or False? The Supreme Court thinks that corporations are people.

11. Rate your satisfaction with Congress from 0 (Absolute despise, dissatisfaction) to 100 (Absolute approval).

12. Out of the following terms which would you say describes your knowledge of politics and current events.

oProfessor in Political Science and or Journalism
oUncaring Individual
oMisled Individual
oApple Pie